2 Ways to Keep Comparison from Wrecking Your Sex Life


2 Ways to Keep Comparison from Wrecking Your Sex Life

How we view our physical appearance plays a big part in our sex life in marriage. In our culture, women seem to struggle in this area more than men do. A woman cannot go anywhere without seeing something that depicts the “perfect look” or the “perfect body.” 

Whether it is the magazine rack at the grocery store checkout, the latest streaming series or movie, or pop ups on the computer, the temptation to compare yourself to someone else is everywhere. It’s not fair. Plus, we now know that almost every photo is edited. Hollywood can transform anyone into perfection. It just takes a few hours of preparation, makeup, and a little extra help here and there from the editors. 

The problem is that many ladies believe they should look like these unrealistic images. The answer is simple: Stop. Stop comparing. Stop believing that you have to look a certain way to be attractive to your husband. 

Start believing him when he tells you that you are beautiful and sexy and that he wants only you. Remember he chose you and you chose him. Remember what God says about you, that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14 ESV). You are perfect in God’s eyes. He does not make mistakes. He sees who you are inside and the beauty of your heart. 

I have counseled so many women who buy into the unrealistic beauty ideals culture pushes. They struggle to see themselves through God’s eyes and to embrace the love their spouse gives them. You are missing out on so much when you don’t do those two things. So listen to God. Listen to your husband. Rejoice in who you are!

Next Steps For You:

  • Wives, let God renew your mind so you see yourself through His eyes and not the eyes of the world.

  • Husbands, never quit telling your wife how beautiful and sexy she is!

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote:  Toby Keith

I see him on the sidelines at OU football games and in the stands cheering OU softball. He is passionate about all things America and continues his fight against cancer. Toby Keith was born on July 8, 1961 in Clinton, Oklahoma, and is a singer, songwriter, and actor. He has at least 20 number one music singles and has charted 61 singles on the Billboard Hot Country songs.

  • “Don’t compromise even if it hurts to be yourself.”

  • “I write all year, and at the end of the year I put an album out. And if it sucks, it sucks, and if it’s good, it’s good. I just let it lay where it lays. It doesn’t stop from doing another one next year.”

This Week’s Trivia Question:

  • How much taller can the Eiffel Tower grow in the heat of the summer due to the warming of the tower’s iron?

Did You Know?  

  • The original 3 Musketeers bars of the 1930s came in three-packs, with a different nougat flavor in each: vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. World War II rations made that triple threat expensive, so the company cut down to one.

Something To Talk About:

  • Would you rather only be able to listen to a single musical artist for the rest of your life or never be able to listen to your favorite artist again?

Awesome Marriage This week

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • 15 Centimeters

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