How Do I Put God First?


Depending on how long you have been following me and Awesome Marriage, you have heard me say “God first, spouse second” a million times - or more! Yet, I often get this question, “How do I do that?” So, this week let's look at putting and keeping God first. Next week we will look at how to put and keep your spouse second. 

First, there is no shortcut to putting God first. Sure, it is a choice only you can make, but making that choice and actually doing something about it are different. If I choose to play baseball but never buy a bat and glove and never practice, I have not taken a step necessary to get me playing the game. Setting aside time every day to spend time with God is essential. It is taking time to pray and bring all your concerns to Him. It is reading the Bible and taking the time to understand what it says to you. Spending time with God is not a burden. Over time you will experience Him more and be drawn more to Him and what He wants for you. You are hanging out with Someone that loves you more that you will ever know and is also the Creator of everything.  

Second, it is spending time with other Christians. It’s finding people that are seeking to put Him first in their lives too and hanging out with them. For me, I have always been amazed how faith in God unites us with others. I have friendships where the only thing we have in common is our faith and those are very rich and valuable relationships. For most of us guys, our wife does this much better than we do. Here is an idea for you. Start by joining or starting a couples group. Then take the step to have coffee with one of the guys. I need other Christian men in my life and I believe you do too. 

Third, live out your faith. Let the filter of all you do be God. How does God want you to treat others? How does He want you to treat your spouse and your family? When people interact with you, do they see God’s kindness and compassion in your life? Are you reaching out to others by helping them and giving to God’s causes? 

For me, putting God first is being mindful of Him every minute of every day. That is the standard I want to attain. I may never get there but it is my standard. The truth is that God is always with us and that His deepest desire is to have a relationship with us. It is a lifestyle second to none and it paints a new picture of what life is really all about.

Next Steps For You:

  • When will you set aside your time with God every day? Having a regular time helps create this habit.

  • Who are the other Christians in your life that you can “do life” with? If you have trouble thinking of someone, ask God to help you.

  • Beginning today, how will you live out your faith? Take it one day at a time. It is a process. Don’t get discouraged. Remember, God is full of mercy and grace.

2 Minute Drill

What Are Boundaries in Your Marriage?

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote: Corrie ten Boom

Corrie was born in April of 1892 in the Netherlands. She and her family helped Jewish people escape from the Nazis during World War II by hiding them in their home. When they were caught, Corrie was arrested and sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp. Her biography recounting her family’s efforts and her faith in God is titled The Hiding Place.

  • Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

  • Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.

This Week’s Trivia Question: History

  • What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?

Did You Know?  

  • There's a Starbucks cup in every shot in the movie Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. 

Something To Talk About

  • Would you rather work a job you love that pays a modest salary or a job you’re just OK with that pays twice as much?

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast: There are two episodes of the podcast this week as I interview two of my good friends.  First, a bonus episode with Dr. David Clarke on “How to Love Your Prodigal Child,” then our regularly scheduled podcast with Pastor Mark Batterson.

AM YouTube Channel: 2 Do’s and 2 Don’ts In Marriage

AM YouVersion Plan: As we close in on 4 million Awesome Marriage YouVersion plan subscriptions, I will highlight one of our Top 10 all-time plans each week!

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • A peach!

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