Do You Have An Awesome Marriage? Take This Quiz to Find Out.


Do you ever wonder how your marriage stacks up? Is your marriage awesome, is it on track for awesome, or is there a lot of work to do to get to awesome? 

The following quiz gives you a chance to see the areas where you are doing well and is also a guide to what you need to work on. Answer honestly. Don’t overthink. Compute your score and see how you did below.


  1. In our marriage it is important for us to have time to communicate 

    A. Every day

    B. Only if we have something important to say

  2.  If my spouse had to fight for something, my spouse would first fight for

    A. Me

    B. His/her friends

  3. If you and your spouse have a disagreement it is usually

    A. Over something new

    B.Over something we fight about all the time

  4. In our marriage, our good friends and families

    A.Hardly ever interfere

    B.Are often a source of conflict

  5. When we disagree, we usually

    A.Set aside time to work things out

    B.Ignore it until it goes away

  6. Sex in our marriage seems to be 

    A.Better than ever

    B.Losing its spark

  7. My spouse puts my needs first

    A.Most of the time


  8. In our marriage, past relationships with the opposite sex

    A.Stay in the past

    B.Continue to be an issue

  9. If I had to do it over again, I would

    A.Marry the same person

    B.Wait for someone else

  10. Most of my spouse’s expectations of me are



  11. As a couple, we pray together

    A.Almost every day

    B.Seldom, if ever

  12. I feel really connected to my spouse

    A.Most of the time

    B.Not very often

  13. Forgiving my spouse for things that happen in our marriage is

    A.Not always easy, but important to do

    B.Something I cannot do

  14. The time I spend with my spouse 

    A.Draws me closer to him/her

    B.Does not really affect me one way or the other

  15. In our sexual relationship, we take the time to really enjoy each other



  16. The amount of financial debt we have as a couple 

    A.Is not a concern

    B.Troubles me a lot

  17. We have a “date night”

    A.Almost every week

    B.Seldom, if ever

  18. We attend church together 

    A.Almost every week

    B.Not very often

  19. We have a lot of distractions in our lives that take away from our marriage



  20. I will do whatever it takes to have an awesome marriage



Awesome Marriage Quiz Scoring:

Scoring: Add one point for each “A” answer to get a total. 

If you scored:

18-20 - You have an awesome marriage. Keep up the good work!

15-17 - You are definitely on the right track. With a little more consistent effort, you will have that awesome marriage you are seeking.

12-14 - You are not there yet. Commit to work together and over time you will build an awesome marriage.

11 and below - Your marriage needs some attention but there is a lot of hope.  

Next Steps

Your next step may be to talk to a trusted couple that has a good marriage, or your pastor, or a Christian counselor. With commitment from both of you and some hard work, your marriage can be so much better.

Take a look at Awesome Marriage University. We have courses to help you grow, heal, and improve your marriage.

2 Minute Drill

My good friend Rich Millentree joins me to talk about looking to peers for approval.

Quick Hits:

This Week’s Quote:  William Booth

William Booth was born on April 10, 1829. He was an English Methodist preacher who, along with his wife, Catherine, founded the Salvation Army and became its first "General." He walked the streets of London to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the destitute.

  • “Work as if everything depended upon work and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.”

  • “God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible.”

This Week’s Trivia Question:

What substance is Han Solo frozen in during "The Empire Strikes Back"?

This Week’s “Did You Know?”

While you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells.

Something To Talk About

Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast:Real Life Marriage Boundary Stories | Ep. 551

AM YouTube Channel: 4 Mistakes Most Couples Make In Marriage

AM YouVersion Plan: As we close in on 4 million Awesome Marriage YouVersion Plan subscriptions, we will highlight the Top 10 all time plans beginning with number 10.

Number 7: Sex in Marriage: The Basics—Part 1

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Carbonite

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