3 Practical Ways to Work Together as A Team In Marriage


One of our main themes at Awesome Marriage is being a “team” in your marriage. It is something that every couple wants but we often do not know how to make that happen. Here are three things you can begin doing as a couple to build your “team.”

Communication: I know we talk about communication a lot but it is still a major problem for many couples, plus it is impossible to build a “Team” without it. Effective communication is crucial for a married couple to function as a team. Couples must learn to communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully, expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or retribution. Regular communication can help you to understand each other's needs, expectations, and perspectives, leading to a deeper connection and more effective problem-solving.

Shared Goals: Setting and working towards shared goals is an excellent way for married couples to become a team. Whether it's a financial goal, career goal, or personal goal, working together toward a common goal can help a couple to stay focused, motivated, and supportive of each other. It is essential to take the time to identify and prioritize shared goals, breaking them down into manageable steps that can be achieved together.

Mutual Support: Marriage requires mutual support, and it is crucial for couples to be there for each other during both the good and the bad times. Supporting each other emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually helps to build a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling marriage. Being present for each other and offering encouragement, reassurance, and validation can help to strengthen the bond between spouses and promote a sense of unity and teamwork.

How do you rate your marriage as far as being a “team?” Wherever you are in the process, commit together to stay focused and accountable as you work together to build a team and an awesome marriage.

Things For You To Think About:

  • When you listen well to each other, seeking to really understand what the other is saying, your communication will improve. Commit to take the time to listen well to each other.

  • If you do not have any shared goals, spend time creating some and then make a plan to carry them out.

  • Evaluate how well you support each other emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Begin to be more intentional with each other in each of these areas.

2 Minute Drill

I loved interviewing Levi and Jenni Lusko recently. In this interview clip, they share several Biblical reasons for sex in marriage, as well as why they may not happen in a marriage.

Quick Hits:

This Week’s Quote:  Charlie Chaplin

Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr. was born on 16 April 1889 and was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. His portrayal of The Tramp is considered one of the film industry's most important figures. His career spanned more than 75 years.

  • Let us strive for the impossible. The great achievements throughout history have been the conquest of what seemed the impossible.

  • Simplicity is a difficult thing to achieve.

This Week’s Trivia Question:

Disney: Of all the Disney characters, who was Walt Disney’s favorite?

This Week’s “Did You Know?”

152 people in the U.S. are named LOL as their legit birth name. Most of the LOLs live in Wyoming.

Something To Talk About

Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or listen in on every conversation that’s about you?

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast: Boundaries & Marriage: What NOT to Do | Ep. 550

AM YouTube Channel: Before You Give Up On Working Toward an Awesome Marriage - Watch This!

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Number 8: Stop The Fighting - Part 1: Breaking The Cycles Of Unhealthy Conflict

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Goofy

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