Sex is Better When There is Total Trust


What better month than February to talk about sex in marriage? That is what we will focus on in Insights during February.

Does your spouse feel safe with you in the bedroom? Is your spouse comfortable with you in bed? Does your spouse trust you with their body? Like everything else in marriage, a healthy sexual relationship has to be built on a foundation of trust, acceptance, safety, empathy, and communication -  plus there needs to be enjoyable non-sexual touching. 

Many guys have trouble seeing how those are all connected for our wife. Yet, the truth is that they are. If your wife is going to be able to give herself completely to you in sex, that foundation has to be built. 

Start by answering these questions:

  • Does your spouse feel like they can say no to sex without being made to feel guilty? 

  • Does your spouse feel like they can say no to specific things in the bedroom?

  • Does your spouse feel confident being fully naked with you?

  • Does your spouse trust that you are not lusting after others? 

  • Does your spouse feel like their feelings matter and that you care for them as a whole person?

A wife once told me that she trusted her husband with everything in their marriage except in the bedroom. He was a good provider and had a strong work ethic. He was a great dad and a really good husband. Yet, in the bedroom, things had happened that caused her to be guarded and to not give herself completely to him. So today is the day to start making sure your spouse feels safe in the bedroom. 

Sex gets good when we have total trust and feel safe in the bedroom, because that’s the way God designed it to be. Our new Awesome Marriage Sex Course is coming to Awesome Marriage University soon! Watch for our announcement!

Questions For You To Think About:

  • Together go over the five questions above.

  • What can you begin doing to make your spouse feel safer in the bedroom?

2 Minute Drill

Dr. David Clarke talks to Dr. Kim about the dangers of codependency.

Quick Hits:

This Week’s Quote: Tom Smothers

Thomas Bolyn Smothers III was born on February 2, 1937. He is an American comedian, composer and musician. He and his brother Dick composed the popular comedy and music duo The Smothers Brothers.

  • When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.

  • Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard. The freedom of hearing is as important as the freedom of speaking.

This Week’s Trivia Question:  The unicorn is the national animal of which country?

This Week’s Did You Know: There are certain metals like potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, and cesium that are reactive, and they tarnish instantly when exposed to air and explode when dropped in water!

Something To Talk About! Would you rather lose your passport or your smartphone?

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast: Overcoming Physical Obstacles to A Great Sex Life 

In this week’s episode Lindsay and I address several of the most common physical barriers to a great sex life in your marriage, to help you find ways to address them and enjoy God’s gift of sex in your marriage! 

AM YouTube Channel:    “2 Steps To Forgiveness”

Forgiveness can be difficult. Here are two steps to forgiveness.

AM YouVersion Plan:Sex in Marriage: The Basics Part 1

Are there basic understandings and beliefs that will help you have a great sex life in your marriage? Yes. Join me in this 5 day plan!

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Scotland

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