What Would You Do With A “Catch Up” Day?


Today is Leap Day or “Leap Year Day.” Those born on this day are called “leapers.” If you were born on this day you are one in 1,461 and there are at least 5 million people celebrating with you today. Leap year was first initiated by Julius Caesar in 45 BC, but it seems he got the idea from the Egyptians. 

The time it takes for the Earth to complete a full revolution around the sun is not a whole number. Though we call it 365 days, it actually takes 365.2422, according to National Geographic. So the 0.2422 days add up. If we didn’t do anything about it, the months during which we experience each season would shift. Over time we could have snow in the summer and a sunburn on Christmas Day. Every four years, that 0.2422 days adds up to give us one full day, which is why we add an extra day every four years.

I think we all need a catchup day. A day to get things back in order. A day to make sure we don’t keep doing things that will take us away from who God created us to be. A day to refocus on the important things in life. 

Maybe you are aware that things need to change but just haven’t made the effort to begin. It could be your anger that is often out of control. It could be looking at porn even though you know how destructive it can be. Maybe it is a bad habit that has become way too normal. Maybe it is an apology that you know needs to happen but that you have avoided. Maybe it is slowing down and refocusing on the really important things in life. A catchup day.

For me, I am going to take time to get things back in order. I have the tendency to spread myself too thin. I take on more than I have time to do while still being the husband, dad, and granddad that I want to be. I run like that for a while but eventually it will catch up with me and I will get depressed or just feel tired all the time. 

My body has its own way of telling me I am ignoring the red flags, and letting me know I need to slow down and catch up. 

What about you? What will you do with your catchup day?

Next Steps:

  • Take time to really look at your life and pick one thing to work on today.

  • Focus on that for the next 21 days and let me know your results!

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote:  

Tony Robbins 

Anthony J. Mahavira Was born in North Hollywood, California on February 29, 1960.

He is an American author, coach and speaker. He is known for his  seminars, and self-help books including the books Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within.

  • The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.

  • It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean.

  • I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.

This Week’s Trivia Question: 

A French newspaper only gets published on Leap Year, once every 4 years.

A) True

B) False

Did You Know:

Feb. 29 is not really a legal day. Many companies don’t recognize Leap Day as a “valid day.” They make leapers choose Feb. 28 or March 1 as their birthday instead.

Something to Talk About:

What movie scene never fails to make you laugh out loud?

Awesome MarRiage This week

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • A.  True - La Bougie du Sapeur appears at newsstands across France every four years for one day only, Leap Day. The satirical journal, originally published in 1980, sells about 150,000 copies each leap year.

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