Add These 3 Things to Your Marriage Bucket List


Add These 3 Things to Your Marriage Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? It may not be written out but it is up there somewhere in your brain. I have a good friend whose bucket list is to see a baseball game in every major league stadium. I have another friend who wants to visit every state in the USA. Those are great but what about a bucket list for your marriage? What would go on that list for you? Here are three ideas:

Go back to the place where you had your first date. Nancy and I met at TCU in Ft. Worth. About ten years ago we were in Ft. Worth when I spoke at a marriage conference. We had a free afternoon so we headed to the TCU campus. We visited the freshmen girls dorm where I picked up Nancy for our first date. We drove by the dining hall where we ate so many meals together. Then we went searching for the apartment I lived in senior year with one of my fraternity brothers. The empty two-story building was still there but overgrown trees and grass surrounded it. The pool looked like it had not been cleaned in years. It’s funny though, as we walked around the property we looked past its current condition and remembered great times we had together there.  

Learn a new skill together. There are many possibilities here. It could be an art class, or learning to ski. The list is endless. Over the past couple of years Nancy and I have had a blast learning how to play pickleball. Whether playing with grandkids or friends, we try to play together two or three times a week and we really are getting better. This idea of learning a new skill may stretch one or both of you, but brainstorm some ideas and then pick one that looks like fun that will work for you two.

Serve on a mission trip together. This was not on our list until an opportunity came for us to travel to Amsterdam, where we worked with people from third world countries. It was a powerful experience that changed the way we look at so many things. It was life changing and marriage changing. I was so thankful that we were able to experience it together.  What about you? You could take a mission trip close to home or across the globe. Serving others together is also experiencing something powerful together. Where would you like to serve? When would you go? 

Defining your bucket list and making plans to carry it out are a big part of this idea. It is a great way to connect and to grow your marriage. My challenge to you is to begin making your marriage bucket list together today.

Next Steps:

  • Brainstorm together what you would like to have on your bucket list.

  • Now pick one thing to begin working on together.

I had a great conversation with Kent Evans recently. Enjoy this clip on dealing with the pressure to be a perfect dad. Hear more from Kent in our upcoming podcast episode.

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote:  

John Steinbeck

American writer John Steinbeck was born on February 27,1902 in Salinas, California. He won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature for his realistic and imaginative writings. He has been called "a giant of American letters."

  • A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.

  • You know how advice is. You only want it if it agrees with what you wanted to do anyway.

  • The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid, stable business.

This Week’s Trivia Question: 

What is the main ingredient in Bombay Duck?

Did You Know:

Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise. Every 225 Earth days, Venus travels around the sun, but Venus rotates clockwise once every 243 days.

Something to Talk About:

If there’s one thing that you could have natural talent in, what would it be and why?

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Fish 

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