6 Ways to Create Intimacy In Your Marriage


Creating Intimacy In Your Marriage

The online dictionary defines intimacy as “close familiarity or friendship.” It can also be “an intimate act, especially sexual intercourse.” How would you rate the intimacy in your marriage today? Wherever you rated it, you are not alone. I have never counseled a couple that told me their “intimacy tank” was full. No one has ever said that they don’t need any more intimacy in their marriage.  

So how do we get there? How do we get more intimacy? 

Here are 6 ways:

  • Be as unselfish as you can with your spouse. Ask God daily to help you love your spouse the way he/she needs to be loved by you.

  • Be passionate about loving your spouse. Be willing to give up everything for him/her.

  • Spend good, quality time with your spouse every day.

  • Listen well to your spouse. Really hear what they are saying. Let them know you hear them.

  • Have fun with your spouse. Laugh until your stomach hurts.

  • Be completely and totally transparent with your spouse. Hold nothing back. Be an open book. Letting your spouse completely know you is the only way you will know you are loved unconditionally by your spouse.

There are your 6 ways! Can you even imagine your marriage if both of you did this? When I look in the online dictionary for the definition of intimacy next time, I might find your names!  

Next Steps For You:

  • Each of you rate the intimacy in your marriage and then share that number with each other

  • Make a copy of 6 Ways To Build Intimacy and place it somewhere you will see it every day.

  • Encourage each other as you build these into your marriage.

2 Minute Clip

In this clip Dr. Kelly Flanagan and I talk about a surprising finding on conflict resolution in marriage. The full interview is part of the Online Marriage Retreat and it’s one you won’t want to miss!

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote: Rocky Marciano

Rocco Francis Marchegiano was born on September 1, 1923 in Brockton, Massachusetts to Italian immigrant parents. He was an American professional boxer who competed from 1947 to 1955, and held the world heavyweight title from 1952 to 1956. He is the only heavyweight champion to have finished his career undefeated.

  • Why waltz with a guy for 10 rounds if you can knock him out in one?

  • There is no doubt that man is a competitive animal and there is no place where this fact is more obvious than in the ring. There is no second place. Either you win or you lose. When they call you a champion, it's because you don't lose. To win takes a complete commitment of mind and body.

This Week’s Trivia Question:

  • What mammal always sleeps with one eye open?

Rapid Fire Did You Know?  

  • Did you know Disneyland has an underground tunnel system? The tunnels were built in response to characters having to run through other lands to get to their posts, which spoiled the magic. Thanks to the tunnels, you won’t see a Tomorrowland spaceman in the Old West–inspired Frontierland.

Something To Talk About:

  • If you could have one superpower what would it be?

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Dolphins. Only half of their brain sleeps at one time, so while one side of the brain rests, the opposite eye remains open .

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