Start Pursuing God
This Week’s Quick Hits:
Great Quotations from the World of Sports:
“I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.” – Mia Hamm, former American soccer player.
“Today you have 100% of your life left.” Tom Landry, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys
“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter, retired New York Yankee shortstop
Pop Music Trivia:
What singer has had a Billboard No. 1 hit in each of the last four decades?
Who was the very first American Idol winner?
Who was the first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
What does Lady Gaga affectionately call her fans?
What is Post Malone‘s favorite restaurant?
“4 Rules for Expectations”
My special guests on the AM Podcast for February are Joseph and Marissa Msefya, the founders of Forever Marriages. In this episode we talk about a forever marriage mindset and many of the challenges the world we live in brings against that mindset. Don’t miss this conversation!
In this week’s vlog join me as we talk about “the gym.” We know exercise is good for us but can it also be good for your marriage? Let’s dive into that question.
Redeeming Love
One of my favorite Old Testament stories is really hard to understand. A man named Hosea falls in love with a prostitute named Gomer. The love he shows her is unconditional as she returns to her life of prostitution not once but twice. Yet, Hosea remains faithful and patiently waits for her return. Redeeming Love is a retelling of this story set in the 1850’s California Gold Rush.
Michael Hosea falls in love with the prostitute Angel and loves her ina way she cannot comprehend. It is a powerful and timeless love story. The movie is PG-13 because of a partial nude scene after they are married and because of some violent content. Thus, it may not be for all couples.
In 2015, Zondervan published my first book titled “7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage.” It was a bestseller when it debuted on Amazon and continues to sell well. For the next few weeks, I want to go through those seven secrets with you. Wherever your marriage is today, I believe these secrets will take it to a whole new level.
Secret #2 is START: The Practice of Putting God First, Spouse Second
A few years back, I attended a conference in Amsterdam. One evening I sat and talked with a man who was a pastor from a small African village. The people in his church were very poor but he related how they had this incredible passion for God. Then he said something that really hit me hard. He said, “I feel sorry for you and your country. You have so much that distracts you from God. My people have nothing but God.”
START begins with putting God first in your life. If I asked you what is most important in your life and you said God, is there evidence to prove that is true? If I looked at your calendar, what would I see? How much of your life is set aside to spend time with God?
I was in a men's group where the leader asked us to write down our top three priorities. Then we went around the table and each shared our list. Without exception, our lists were identical - God, family, work. We were all feeling pretty good about our answers until our leader asked us to open the daily calendar on our mobile devices and lay them on the table.
Guess what? All of our calendars were almost identical too, and none of us had time blocked off for God or family.
Let me share something with you that I have found to be absolutely true: When my relationship with God is where it needs to be, my relationship with Nancy is too. When my relationship with God is not where it needs to be, neither is my relationship with Nancy.
For me, putting God first, looks something like this. I start and end my day with Him. I seek His wisdom. I pray for my marriage and my family. I filter everything that happens in my day through Him. He is first. Then and only then do I keep Nancy where He wants her to be. He is my one. She is my two. That is what START is all about.
Bottom Line: START pursuing God first!
Nest Steps:
Ask God to reveal anything in your life that keeps Him from being Number One.
Ask God to reveal anything in your life that keeps your spouse from being Number Two
With God’s help, begin removing those obstacles.
Answer to SuperHero Trivia
Mariah Carey
Kelly Clarkson
Aretha Franklin
Little Monsters
Olive Garden
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