Three More Tips to Having Great Sex in Your Marriage


Three More Tips to Having Great Sex in Your Marriage

This is part four of this short series about sex in your marriage. Last week I gave you three tips to having great sex in your marriage and this week here are three more. Remember do not get complacent in your marriage. Keep the excitement in and the frustration out and take your sex in  marriage to a whole new level.

1. Control What You Talk About

When you are being intimate or planning to be intimate, don’t talk about relationship problems or things that need to be done or the kids. Focus on each other. When we get sidetracked by these other things, our sexual arousal can go down. This is especially true for women. One wife described it to me that when her husband mentioned one of their children it was like all the sudden that child was in the room for her mentally. It took her several minutes to mentally remove the child from the room before she could get undressed, let alone aroused. So be careful what you mention before planning to be intimate together. Don’t invite unwanted topics into the bed. Focus on each other. 

2. Invest in Positive Foreplay Flirting and Connection

Flirting is positive foreplay and connects us in a different way.  It is not necessarily sexual in and of itself but it heightens the desire for each other. You may have your own ways of doing foreplay outside of the bedroom. If so, just keep doing them. If you don’t have flirting or positive foreplay in your relationship, find ways to build it in! 

3. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Before marriage, with just a couple of exceptions, my information on sex came from male peers that were always glad to share their views, which had no validity at all. I think every guy wants every other guy to think that he is a sexual expert, but that’s not usually true. You have a sexual expert in your marriage and it is your spouse. Your spouse is the expert on what they like, don’t like, and want to do and not do. Set a regular time to talk about your sex life. Make it at least one time a month and put it on your calendar.

Our new Awesome Marriage Sex Course is coming to Awesome Marriage University soon! Watch for our announcement!

Questions For You To Think About:

  • Do you need to evaluate the things you talk about before and/or during intimacy?

  • How do you rate “flirting” in your marriage? What would take it up a notch?

  • Set aside a time to talk to the sex expert you are married to.

2 Minute Drill

Debra Fileta on “How Getting Healthy Personally Helps Your Marriage.”

Quick Hits:

This Week’s Quote: Levi Strauss

Levi was born on February 26, 1829 in Germany and became an American businessman who went into business with one of his customers, Jacob C. Davis. In 1873, they invented and patented blue jeans. 

  • An expert knows all the answers - if you ask the right questions.

This Week’s Trivia Question: Humor

In public places in the state of Florida, what's illegal to do when wearing a swimsuit?

This Week’s “Did You Know?”

In 1992, Singapore banned chewing gum in an effort to keep the city clean and orderly. In 2004, exceptions were made for therapeutic, dental, or nicotine gums.

Something To Talk About

  • Would you rather live in perpetual winter and always be a little too cold or endless summer and always too warm? 

  • How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast: Boundaries For Your Marriage: What They Are and Why They Are Important 

We are kicking off our podcast series about Boundaries in marriage this week.  This week we define them and look at how your marriage can benefit from them. 

AM YouTube Channel: “Before You Make An Assumption - Watch This”

Do you make assumptions about your spouse? How does that reframe how you view them? Is it positive or negative?

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We see them every day and they help keep us safe. What would it look like if we took these common signs and applied them to our marriage? Find out in this 5 day plan. 

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Sing

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