What If....?
This Week’s Quick Hits:
It was yesterday but it’s not too late! May the 4th - as in “may the force be with you” - is commonly known as Star Wars day. Star Wars fans use this as an excuse to rewatch the movies (as if they need one).
May contains many holidays including “International Hamburger Day’ and “Dance Like A Chicken Day!” I am going to celebrate both!
Bob Dylan, Dwayne Johnson, John F Kennedy, George Clooney and Adele are some of the famous people that were born in the month of May.
And a little May Trivia:
The Empire State building first opened on May 1st. Which year was it?
A line in one of the classic rock songs says, “It’s just a spring clean for the May Queen.” Name the song.
According to a superstition, on May 1st, young girls used to do something immediately after waking up, what was it?
(Answers Below)
“Are You Trusting God With Your Kids?”
Read, Watch, Listen
Last month we shared some of the money mistakes we see couples make, and in this week’s podcast we’re sharing money tips to try. We want to see couples thriving in their marriages, and that includes stewarding money well. This is a real pain point for so many couples but there are ways to move out of that stuck and stressed place.
"Be Angry and Do Not Sin - Are You Serious?"
We all get angry. Jesus got angry. Anger is an emotion just like being happy, sad, or ecstatic. When handled the wrong way though, anger has a tendency to tear marriages apart. The Bible tells us to “be angry and do not sin.” What does that mean? Join me in this week’s Awesome Marriage Vlog as we look at this issue.
I don’t review many movies but CODA was one of my favorite films and won the Oscar for Best Picture this year. As a warning, it is not for young children as there is some salty language and sex (but no nudity.) With that said, the movie is heartwarming and full of positive messages. It tells the story of high school senior, Ruby. Ruby is the only hearing person in her family. Her dad, mom, and brother are all deaf. The family has a commercial fishing boat and Ruby works on the boat and serves as translator for the family. As her high school graduation approaches, Ruby has to decide between staying with her family or pursuing her love of singing. For trivia buffs, the movie is a remake of the 2014 French film “La Famille Belier.”
What If?
Do you ever think “what if”? What if my spouse was more considerate? I know I would be happier. What if my spouse never raised their voice? I know I would not get hurt. What if my spouse never forgot our important dates to celebrate? I know that would make me feel valued. What if my spouse would exercise? I know our life together would be healthier.
Those are just a few of the “what ifs” I hear all the time from people that I counsel. There are probably as many “what ifs” as there are people.
I think “what if” is a game we all play at some point. Maybe we play it when we are in the middle of our own pity party. Maybe we play it when we are upset at our spouse or unhappy in our marriage. Maybe we play it when we are just tired of the way our life is going and want something to change to make it better.
Do you know the problem with “what if”? It never solves the problem. It never evokes change. It keeps us focused on what our spouse needs to do and thus places the blame for our problems on our spouse. “What ifs” point the finger at your spouse and when we are pointing the finger at our spouse, we are oblivious to what we need to do or change.
Try this. The next time you look at your spouse and think how much better your life would be if they would fulfill all of your “what ifs”- STOP. Point your finger back at yourself. Then ask yourself: What if I was more considerate? I know my spouse would be happier. What if I never raised my voice? I know I would not hurt my spouse and our home would be more peaceful. What if I never forgot our important dates to celebrate? I know that would make my spouse feel loved and valued. What if I got on a regular exercise plan? I know I would feel better and would be willing to do more fun things with my spouse.
There is nothing wrong with asking “what if” as long as it is pointing back at us. That is when change can happen since the only person you can change is you! That is when you are doing your part to build an awesome marriage.
Next Steps:
In your marriage, who can you control?
Does trying to control your spouse ever work?
Name the “what if’s” that you have for your spouse? List them out and then think about how you can point your finger at yourself and do them for your spouse.
Turn your “what if’s” for your spouse into “what if’s” for yourself!
May trivia Answers:
“Stairway to Heaven” sung by Led Zeppelin.
They used to rush out in the garden to wash their faces in the May dew.
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