Disciple Draft Day
This Week’s Quick Hits:
New Medical Technology: A research team led by Boston University has used 3D printing technology to develop a miniature replica of a human heart-and it beats like the real thing. I know it may be difficult to believe but this is not science fiction or some pipe dream. It is happening now. Think what it could mean for millions of people.
Here are some interesting true facts that you might not know:
People can have a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they are a cow. They try to live their life as a cow.
In South Korea, there is an emergency number (113) to report spies.
Sonic the Hedgehog’s full name is actually Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog. (This is a bit of a contentious one, though, as some fans claim that it isn’t canon. This is because Sonic’s full name was never published.)
One Tough Trivia Question:
The Vatican bank has the only ATM in the world that allows users to do what? (Answer below)
This Week’s Quote:
My favorite Superman was George Reeves, who played the TV role from 1952-1958. My second favorite Superman was Christopher Reeve. In 1995, Reeve fell from a horse, broke his neck, and was paralyzed him from the neck down. Until his death in 2004, he used a ventilator and a wheelchair. He continued to work and my favorite post-accident film of his was a television remake of Alfred Hitchcock's “Rear Window.”
“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” - Christopher Reeve
Are You Trusting God With Your Kids?
Awesome Marriage This Week:
AM Podcast: “When is Enough Enough?” My special guest this week is Dr. David Clarke and we talk about narcissism and gaslighting. Don’t miss this one. It is powerful!
AM YouTube Channel: “Controlling Spouse” Is your spouse controlling or is it something else? Join me as we look at this common problem.
AM YouVersion Plan: “Achieving Awesome Communication in Marriage” In this 8-day plan, Awesome Marriage COO Christina Dodson tackles the number one issue that couples ask for help with. You will love these time-tested Biblical principles!!
Dr. Kim’s Insights: Disciple Draft Day
I love the hype and the process of the NFL and NBA drafts. I love hearing how different teams evaluate the prospects. Teams look at hours upon hours of video tape. They conduct extensive background checks. They evaluate each player in every possible way. Their goal is to make the absolute best pick possible for their team. Millions of dollars are at stake. It is a long laborious task.
On Disciple Draft Day, Jesus looked past the religious elite and the educated. He did not solicit advice from those who could have given Him the inside scoop of the available prospects. Jesus went rogue and picked 12 ragtag young men to join Him for a three year journey.
At least five of his picks were fishermen. Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, and a guy named Peter who was also impetuous and very impulsive. Then there was Matthew, a tax collector who was very unpopular because of his day job. Then there were five that were very obscure and relatively unknown. Bartholomew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thomas, Jude, and Simon the Zealot. Final selection was Judas, who seemed to be good with money but could not really be trusted.
These were hardly All Stars. On a five star rating scale, each of them would be a zero - maybe a one! All were of ordinary means. Yet Jesus chose each of them and they walked with Him for three years. After His death and resurrection, Jesus released them all and commissioned them with the job of telling the world about Him.
How did Jesus' draft picks turn out? As with all NFL and NBA draftees, these men were best evaluated at the end of their careers. Judas followed suit to his recruiting data and showed love of money and deceit as his top qualities. Simon became a Bishop and died of old age. Matthew wrote the story of Jesus in Hebrew and also died of old age. John was a missionary and later was banished to the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation before his death.
Both James were local missionaries. Both were martyred; one was stoned to death and the other beheaded. Thaddaeus was a missionary. Andrew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Phillip and Peter were missionaries. All were crucified. Thomas and Peter requested to be crucified upside down. Finally, Thomas was a missionary and was speared to death.
Today, I know and understand who Jesus was and is because of the work and sacrifice of these men. I know that if God had a plan for them, He does for me. He also does it for you. Never let anyone you are not capable of what God calls you to do. No matter who you are, where you live, your education or lack of it, money or no money, God has an incredible plan for your life. Embrace that today!
Next Steps:
As you look at the disciples, what can you learn from their lives?
Do you know God’s plan for your life? If so, are you pursuing it with God’s help? If not, will you prayerfully seek that from God?
This is the tough one. If faced with persecution or death, would you deny Jesus or boldly proclaim Him?
One Tough Trivia Question Answer:
The Vatican ATM allows users to carry out their transactions in Latin!