What’s the Risk of Being Yourself?

This Week’s Quick Hits: 

This Week’s Quote:

Superman has been my favorite superhero my entire life, from George Reeves to Christopher Reeve, to Brandon Routh to Henry Cavill. Then there are the early ones such as Bud Collier and Kirk Alyn. My two favorites were George Reeves and Christopher Reeve. Over the years Superman has had some great quotes. Here are a few of my favorites.

  • “No matter where you go in life there’s always going to be the one person that wants to bring you down, so stay strong and face your problems instead of running away.”

  • “With great power comes great responsibility.” 

  •  “Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later.”

  • “What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely. From an acting point of view, that’s how I approached the part.” – Christopher Reeve

Here are 3 iPhone Trivia Questions:

  1. Which iPhone is the best selling model of all time?

  2. The first iPhone was not made by Apple.  Who made it?

  3. What was Apple’s first cell phone called?

Did You Know?:

Did you know the Philadelphia Eagles' stadium once had a courtroom?

Veterans Stadium, where the Philadelphia Eagles once played, had a stadium courtroom and jail to handle the team's notoriously rowdy fans.

Using Social Media to Care and Build Trust

Awesome Marriage This Week: 

AM Podcast: Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage: Mind Your Marriage | Ep. 522

Our mental health impacts every part of life, so it’s no surprise it matters in marriage. Often we don’t tend to our mental health unless it is screaming out for our attention. But wherever you are today, we believe God desires for you to thrive in mental health. 

AM YouTube Channel: Steps to Deeper Communication In Marriage

Communication can connect us in amazing ways as husband and wife. It does not have to be complicated. Let’s look at some simple steps to make that happen.

AM YouVersion Plan: Fighting For Your Marriage

Join me in this five-day plan as we look into what it means for a couple to fight together for their marriage.

Dr. Kim’s Insights: 

As I take time off from writing during the month of August, I want to share some of my favorite Insights and Blogs from the past 12 years.  Enjoy!

I counseled a man in his mid-20s who had recently met a girl he was head over heels in love with. She had everything that he had ever dreamed of in a woman to spend the rest of his life with. There was only one problem, but it was huge! He had been wearing a mask since the day they met. He wanted to be who she wanted him to be instead of being himself. Now he was afraid to show her his real self. What if she did not like that person? His fear was that if he did not continue to wear his mask the relationship would end. 

When I was a junior in high school, my youth group performed a skit called “Masks.” Today masks are an everyday part of our lives. But the masks in this skit were very different. These were the kind that people wear to protect themselves or to hide. 

The skit’s dialogue haunted me. What masks did I wear? Who was I really? Was I who everyone at church saw me as? Or was I the guy who liked to party on Friday and Saturday night? Did my mask protect me or just let me pretend to be someone that I was not? It was such a simple skit but I remember it like it was last Sunday.  

Throughout my life there have been times I have put on a mask. Maybe it was to impress someone or to keep someone else from seeing the real me. Whatever the reasons were, none of them were healthy. What about you? What masks have you worn? Why did you wear them? What if you had not worn them?  

We wear masks because being vulnerable and transparent can be scary. With a mask, if someone does not like us, it is the mask they do not like and we can just change masks. If we are our real self and are vulnerable and transparent and they do not like us, that’s all we have. Yet that is exactly God’s plan. His plan is for each of us to be who He created us to be. 

Remember Genesis chapter 2? Remember Adam and Eve? Remember “naked and unashamed?” Being yourself and growing in your relationship with God is the perfect plan. What if you throw away your masks and let people see the real you? When you do that, I believe your relationships will be more genuine and much healthier and you will feel like the weight of the world was just lifted from your shoulders. 

Next Steps: 

  • What is one mask that you are wearing now? Why?

  • Will you take the risk today and throw that mask away forever?

iPhone Trivia Answers:

  1. The iPhone 6 is Apple’s biggest selling iPhone of all time.

Since debuting in 2014, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have sold upward of 222 million handsets combined. Of the two, the iPhone 6 has sold more.

  1. Apple registered the iphone.org web address in December 1999. But even that wasn’t early enough. Cisco had been using the name “iPhone” for its dual-mode cordless VoIP network phones since 1998.

In the end, Apple came to a (kinda, sorta) agreement with Cisco to use the iPhone name. And the iOS name, too. The deal certainly favored Apple more than it did Cisco.

  1. The Rokr E1 was the first Apple-sanctioned cellphone. It wasn’t good.

Launched in September 2005 — two years before the first-generation iPhone — Apple and Motorola’s Rokr E1 was the first Apple-sanctioned cellphone to run iTunes.

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