How Can You Defeat Temptation?


How do you define temptation? What tempts you? Do you ever feel guilty when you are tempted? 

First, the reality is that all of us will face temptation in our lives. Some seem to face it more than others and that can be for a number of reasons. For example, we know that when someone views porn, it does something in their brain that gives them gratification so there is a short term payoff. The more that process is repeated, the more difficult the temptation is to resist. And we know the long term consequences of porn on the person, the spouse and the marriage. 

Giving into temptations with food can lead to unwanted weight gain or health problems. We all seem to have a temptation that we struggle with but temptation alone is not a sin. Jesus was tempted when He walked this earth and we know that He did not sin. Sin comes when we act on our temptations. 

Let’s define temptation this way, “temptation is anything that promises satisfaction at the cost of our obedience to God.” There is this deceptive attraction with temptation. It promises immediate gratification and fulfillment. That’s what we are vulnerable to. We trade the long term for the short term and that short term satisfaction often can turn into a long term consequence.

When we say no to temptation and instead choose God’s best for us, we find that God’s plan for us is not a list of things we cannot do, rather it leads us to genuine happiness and a closer relationship with Him. Let’s apply this to your marriage. What are the temptations you face in regards to your marriage? What are the consequences of giving in to those temptations? Some temptations may have little or no consequences. With others, the consequences may be a marriage killer. 

We have temptations every day. They will continue to be a part of our lives. If we follow Jesus' example, we say no to them. We don’t rationalize or compromise. For me, when temptation comes, I need to take the time to weigh the consequences of giving in to it. If the choice comes down to satisfaction for me over obedience to God, with His help I choose God! How about you?

Next Steps:

  • What is your greatest temptation at this point in your life?

  • What steps do you need to take to choose God over the temporary satisfaction of giving in to the temptation?

Andi and Charlie Ashworth join me as we talk about making a difference in your neighborhood. Charlie (AKA Charlie Peacock) is a four-time Grammy winner and the founder of the Contemporary Music program in the School of Music at Lipscomb University in Nashville.

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote:  

 John Madden

Born on April 10, 1936, John Earl Madden was an American football coach and sports commentator in the National Football League. He served as the head coach of the Oakland Raiders from 1969 to 1978, who he led to eight playoff appearances, seven division titles, seven AFL/AFC Championship Game appearances, and the franchise's first Super Bowl title in Super Bowl XI. Madden, who never had a losing season, holds the highest winning percentage among NFL head coaches.

  • Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.

  • Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon.

  • If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

This Week’s Trivia Question: 

Students at Purdue University engineered a “licking machine” to find out once and for all how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. How many licks did they conclude it took?

Did You Know:

The longest time between two twins being born is 90 days! Molly and Benjamin West are fraternal twins who were born in Baltimore, Maryland, on January 1 and March 30, 1996. Molly was three months premature, but doctors were able to hold off Benjamin’s birth for 90 days!

Something to Talk About:

Discuss this question with your spouse: “What do you think is our biggest strength as a couple? How do we make the most of it?”

Awesome MarRiage This week

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • 364 licks!

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