2 Questions to Ask In Every Season of Marriage

Morning Pages Week Four

I shared last week that I am going through the 12-week workbook “The Artist's Way.” As a part of the course, I write three pages in a journal each day. I am sharing a section of my writing each week with you. I would love your feedback on this new approach to my weekly Dispatch.

Marriage is a marathon. There are new things to learn and to embrace each year. I am very blessed to have Nancy as my wife. She is beautiful inside and outside. She is willing to trust me and be vulnerable with me.  

When I look back, sometimes I wish some of our years had been easier, but then I remember what we learned during those times and how every experience taught us. Getting to where we are today has been a journey. Over the course of it there have been sunny days and rainy days. There have been times of incredible warmth and closeness.  

In each season, we have had to figure out how to do that season well. How can we connect best? What is realistic and unrealistic for that season? How do we grow? How do we keep God first? I wish in marriage you could get it right in one season and then that worked for the next season. That does not seem to work. What works is acknowledging each season and asking these two questions: 1) How do we keep God first in this season? And 2) How do we keep each other and our marriage second? 

In each season, how we answer those two questions is what makes the difference.

Questions For You To Think About:

  • What season is your marriage in today?

  • What are you doing to keep God first?

  • What are you doing to keep your spouse and marriage second?

2 Minute Drill

What advice would you give a spouse who is feeling alone? Don’t miss this powerful clip from my conversation with Stasi Eldredge. 

Quick Hits: 

This Week’s Quote: Christopher Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd was born on October 22, 1938 in Stamford, Connecticut. His long career spanned from the drug-using cab driver in Taxi to Doc Brown in the Back To the Future Trilogy. You probably did not know that he is a distant descendant of indentured servant John Howland (c. 1592-1673), one of the passengers of the ship Mayflower and signers of the Mayflower Compact. Lloyd has never retired from acting and continues to appear in various roles.

“Every role I get is always a challenge. I can read a script and say, 'Oh, I can do that!' and then when I start working on it, I suddenly realize that I had no idea what I was getting into. Then I have to really work hard!” Christopher Lloyd

This Week’s Trivia Question

What state is simultaneously the furthest west, east, and north?

This Week’s Did You Know?

Did you know Disneyland has an underground tunnel system?

The tunnels were built in response to characters having to run through other lands to get to their posts, which spoiled the magic. Thanks to the tunnels, you won’t see a Tomorrowland spaceman in the Old West–inspired Frontierland.

Awesome Marriage This week

AM Podcast: 3 Ways to Do Intimacy His Way

Last week we gave the ladies practical ways to  build intimacy in their marriage in the ways their husbands need and want it. This week we shift to the guys talking about ways for them to build intimacy with their wives!

AM YouTube Channel: Do You Want An Answer To a Major Relationship Issue?

What if God gave us a plan to address one of the most common problems in relationships and what if that plan was absolutely foolproof? Would you want in on this secret? Click on the link for this week’s vlog on the Awesome Marriage YouTube Channel!

AM YouVersion Plan: Putting God First In Your Marriage

In this five part plan, we will look at the importance of seeing God’s work in your marriage and the importance of putting Him first!

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Alaska

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