Just what is a “risky prayer?”


Risky Prayers

Just what are “risky prayers?” Here is my take on the subject. Risky prayers are when we ask God to do something in our lives knowing that His answer may include us making changes and sometimes these changes will be hard for us to do. 

For example, if I pray for God to give me more patience in my marriage, my idea may be that He changes something in Nancy. Then I realize that me being more patient involves changes in me. It might mean that when I am impatient while waiting for Nancy to get ready to go someplace with me, instead of asking her to hurry up and standing over her, I go and sit in my car to wait for her - patience!

In the book of Galations, the apostle Paul lists out 9 fruits of the spirit. The first one is love. That seems simple. Love others. Love your spouse and kids. Love your good friends. Yet, when I pray for God to help me love Nancy the way He wants me to love her, my definition and God’s definition may not be the same. God’s definition of love involves sacrifice and servanthood. Both of those sound good until they don’t because there are times that I want my own way. I want to be selfish sometimes. I want to sit back and let Nancy serve me. 

Are you starting to see how the simple prayer for God to help me love Nancy better requires change on my part, not on hers? It is a risky prayer. 

The bottom line for me is that I need to trust God. I need to trust that the changes He makes in me will be good for me and our marriage. I need to trust that my struggles with wanting my own way, being selfish and wanting Nancy to serve me are not good and will never give me the marriage God designed for us. So we have a choice. We can pray that risky prayer and when we say it we need to be all in or we stay stuck where we are. We need to totally open ourselves up to whatever God wants to do. 

Is that a little scary? Yes, but if I am going to totally open myself up to change, who else loves me like He does? Who else has a perfect plan for me and my marriage? The answer is simple.  It’s God and only God.

Next Steps For You:

  • What area of your life needs some change?

  • What would a “risky prayer” in that area look like?

  • Are you willing to let God in and give Him full access to your life?

2 Minute Clip

So many couples never talk about money and that’s why talking with Julie Baumgardner about “Avoiding Financial Conflict” was so helpful! Check out this clip.

Quick Hits

This Week’s Quote: This week let’s look at some quotes where the author is unknown.

  • People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.

  • Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.

  • You can’t be a winner and be afraid to lose.

  • A strong man stands up for himself; a stronger man stands up for others.

This Week’s Trivia Question:

  • What is a single strand of spaghetti called?

Rapid Fire Did You Know?  

  • Did you know the first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON?

Something To Talk About:

  • Who in the world is your role model for a healthy relationship/marriage?

Awesome Marriage This week

This Week’s Trivia Answer:

  • Spaghetto

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