The Way We See Sex: #1 A Husband Want His Wife to Be Engaged
This Week’s Quick Hits:
Awesome Marriage Online Men’s Retreat - It’s Not too Late
If you missed early signup, it is not too late. Join other men who are taking advantage of this great opportunity to grow into the man, husband, and father God created them to be! There are 10 amazing speakers who will both challenge you and teach you. Plus, you will have specific next steps to help you in your growth. Join us!
Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick Trivia
Since most of us have had a chance by now to see the 2022 version of Top Gun and because the first Top Gun was an all time classic, let’s do Top Gun trivia! 10 Questions - 5 on each movie and one bonus question. Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer and 25 points for the bonus question for a max total of 125 points.
Top Gun (1986)
What does Maverick say to Goose in the bar to let him know it was time to sing to someone?
Who sings the song “Take My Breath Away”?
Who plays Goose’s wife?
What body of water does the opening scene take place over?
What was the plane number that Maverick and Goose were flying when Goose died in the crash caused by the flat spin?
Top Gun Maverick (2022)
Who were the only actors to reprise their roles from the original Top Gun?
When Penny is first shown on the scene, what song was playing?
What airplane maneuver is performed at the end of both Top Gun movies?
What car does Penny drive in the movie?
What is the name of the film’s theme song and who performed it?
Bonus Question:
Stinger says this to Maverick in regards to his risky flying behavior. Finish the quote: “Son, your ego is writing checks________________ .”
What If My Spouse Isn’t Interested In Growing Our Marriage?
Awesome Marriage This Week:
AM Podcast: Hard Conversations - You Have To Have Them
As Lindsay and I continue our summer podcast break, we share some of our best and most popular podcasts from the past. There are things that aren’t fun to talk about and issues need to be addressed. But how do we have hard conversations well for the betterment of our marriage? Join us as we dig into this issue.
AM YouTube Channel: What are You Looking For?
What do you look for in a best friend? What’s essential? What’s not? What do you expect from a best friend? Then, how does that translate to marriage and making your spouse your best friend? Join me for this week's vlog on YouTube.
AM YouVersion Plan: 4 Ways to Fight Fair in Marriage Marriage
Conflict is the hard and messy part of marriage. Every couple argues, but not every couple fights in healthy ways. Learn how to resolve conflict the healthy way. In this 4 day plan by Awesome Marriage’s COO Christina Dodson, you will have biblical principles to fight fair in your marriage.
Dr. Kim’s Insights:
The Way We Look at Sex: #1 - A Husband Want His Wife to Be Engaged
Men and women are very different, and not just physically. We usually think and communicate differently and value different things. Differences can draw us together or push us apart and they can improve or wreck our sex life in marriage. I want us to look at 5 differences when it comes to sex. These are taken from a survey we did of married couples. I will spread these out along with other topics over the next few months. I would love your feedback as we unpack these differences.
Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine. How pleasing is your fragrance; your name is like the spreading fragrance of scented oils. No wonder all the young women love you! Take me with you; come, let’s run! The king has brought me to his bedroom. Song of Solomon 1:2-4
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24
You two are a team. Marriage joins two totally different people together as one. And the closest physical expression of that oneness is the sexual relationship. It seems many women think their husband could have sex with them whether they are engaged or not. As a guy, that can be true at times, but a husband does not want a body to perform on. He wants his wife to be engaged.
What exactly does that mean? Look at it this way. A man’s greatest pleasure in sex is pleasing his wife. Wives, let that soak in. In many ways it is counter-cultural, but in my 40+ years of experience counseling couples, I have seen that it is absolutely true. Your husband’s greatest pleasure in sex is in pleasing you. That is God’s design.
Sex is about the two of you - your team. Your husband wants you to enjoy sex with him. He wants to please you. He wants you to express your love for him. He wants to have fun with you and to be playful. We see this in Song of Solomon, as the wife expresses attraction and admiration for her husband; appreciating his kisses and his scent, and enjoying the experience.
You know how good it makes you feel when the two of you communicate well? When you know your spouse gets you and understands what you said? It draws you closer together and increases your love. Sex is a way to communicate that love to each other. Being engaged is for both of you. When you engage, I promise your enjoyment will increase and that is a win for your team.
Next Steps:
When you think of you and your spouse as a team in your sexual relationship, what does that look like to you?
If sex is a type of “communication” with your spouse how can you best communicate to them?
Trivia Answers
“She’s lost that lovin’ feelin’”
Meg Ryan
Indian Ocean
Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer
“Let’s dance” by David Bowie
A barrel roll
1973 Porsche 911
“”Hold My Hand” by Lady Gaga
Bonus Question: ”.... Your body can’t cash.”