White Flags: Final Surrender
This Week’s Quick Hits:
How Does Your Technology Knowledge Measure up?
Here are 10 questions to test you:
What year was the very first model of the iPhone released?
What’s the shortcut for the “copy” function on most computers?
What is often seen as the smallest unit of memory?
Is Java a type of OS?
Who is often called the father of the computer?
What does “HTTP” stand for?
What is the name of the man who launched eBay back in 1995?
Which email service is owned by Microsoft?
Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Explorer are different types of what?
What was Twitter’s original name?
(Find the answers below.)
“8 Things My Spouse Has Taught Me”
“Setting An Intention For Your Marriage”
If I asked you, “Do you want your marriage to be better this year?” I think all of you would say “yes!” Yet, at the end of December 2022, if I asked you, “Did your marriage get better this year?” how many of you will be able to say yes? Join Lindsay and me to look at how to set your marriage up for success this year.
What do you want for your marriage? What do you want for your kids? How do you keep everything in balance and learn to say “no” when it will make a difference? In this video, let’s look at how you can do just that!
Final Surrender
This week we wrap up this series based on the popular song “White Flags” by Chris Tomlin and Passion. We have looked at expectations, selfishness, control, and anger, which can affect our marriages negatively. Each can be difficult to let go of, even when we see the destruction. The goal of this series is to get us to the point of surrender - to raise the white flag.
I shared with you about the areas that have affected my life and my marriage negatively over the years. My unrealistic expectations of Nancy, my selfishness as a husband, my efforts to control, and my misuse of anger have all taken my marriage in directions that I never wanted it to go. I was faced with the same choices that you are. I could continue the pattern of destruction or I could surrender everything to God.
If my marriage was ever going to be what God wanted it to be, I had to turn it all over to Him. My expectations of Nancy needed to be realistic and communicated well. My selfishness needed to be exchanged for acts of service. In the end, my control was just an illusion. I was never in control. Only God is. And that’s why I needed to lay my attempts at control at His feet.
Finally, anger in my marriage was never good. It was destructive and was never righteous. The bottom line for me was obvious: I raised the white flag and surrendered all to God.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a long way from perfection. All of these issues can rear their ugly heads when I least expect them. Yet, I have a God who is changing me. He has brought me a long way and will faithfully complete what He started.
It was no surprise to Him that I was broken. We all are. Yet we all can choose the path back to Him. He does not force us. He is there with open arms, waiting. We have a tendency to complicate things when it is really very simple: Surrender. Whatever it is, surrender it.
“We raise our white flag, we surrender all to you.
We raise our white flag, the war is over.
Love has come, Love has won.”
A Next Step:
What area(s) of your life do you need to surrender to God?
Today lay them at God’s feet and raise your “white flag.”
Embrace His plan for you and for your marriage.
You will never be the same - and that is incredibly good news.
Technology Trivia Answers:
ctrl c
Charles Babbage
HyperText Transfer Protocol
Pierre Omidyar
Web browsers