One Simple Way To Change Your Marriage
This week in the Dispatch:
Quick Hits: July Celebrations, Did You Know?, and A Look Back at 2006!
Inside “The Dynasty” in Books
This Week’s YouVersion Plan is “Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage 2: The Really Tough Questions”
On the Awesome Marriage Podcast we look at “Communication Ruts”
This week’s Vlog looks at “The Problem with Distance”
Insights: “Seeking God Together”
Next Steps and a Challenge as you seek God together
I was never really a New England Patriots fan until Wes Welker joined them in 2007. I had loved watching Wes play since his high school days. So as he joined them, I became intrigued with the Patriots and their “system” which brought them 19 consecutive winning seasons while appearing in 11 Super Bowls and winning 6 of them. The book tells the story of Robert Kraft, Bill Belichick, and Tom Brady and how three men with so many differences came together to create a true sports dynasty. Benedict takes us inside these relationships and how they handled victory and defeat on and off the field. I loved this book!
YouVersion Plan:
Getting Yourself Ready for Marriage 2: The Really Tough Questions
This plan is the companion plan to Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage: Part 1. It includes six short videos, Bible references, a Challenge, and Next Steps. It’s a great way to get ready for an Awesome Marriage!
Awesome Marriage Podcast: Achieving Awesome Communication: Dealing with Communication Ruts
In this podcast, we are talking about ruts in our communication. What do you do when communication goes stale or stops happening altogether? We will look at how we get into these ruts, how to avoid them, and how to get out of them. Join us!
Awesome Marriage Vlog: The Problem with Distance
This week on the Awesome Marriage YouTube Channel. Whether you are apart for a night, a week, a month, or a year, there are great ways to grow your marriage while apart. Join us for this week’s vlog The Problem with Distance.
Seeking God Together
The stories in the Bible encourage me and strengthen my faith. I learn from them as God uses them over and over in my life. In the book of Genesis in chapter two, God finished creation and interacted with Adam and Eve, the first husband and wife ever. God placed them in this incredible, lush garden, Eden. It was the perfect place. I think it is hard for us to imagine how incredible that place must have been. There is truly nothing in our lives today that would compare to its beauty and grandeur.
Scripture tells us that each day in the cool of the evening, God came to spend time with Adam and Eve - together. I think that point is so important. The story does not say that God came and spent time with Adam or that God came and spent time with Eve. It says He spent time with them together. I believe with all my heart that is what God wants for each of us in our marriages. Sure, God wants a personal relationship with each of us, but He wants to be right in the center of our marriages too.
If you have read the story as it continues in Genesis 3, you know that Adam and Eve messed up big time. They did the only thing God told them not to do. That one sin changed almost everything. Adam and Eve had to leave Eden. The roles of a husband and a wife changed. Creation was fractured. Yet, one thing did not change. God still wanted a relationship with them as individuals and in their marriage. The same is true for us today. God provided us a way back to Him. He did that through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus.
My belief is that we can have the relationship with God that Adam and Eve had in Genesis 2 through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Putting God first will change your marriage. Read His word. Pray together to Him. Obey His commands. Treat each other with respect. Love deeply. God truly wants each of us to have an Awesome Marriage. Do not miss out. Seek Him today.
Next Steps:
What does it mean to you that God wants a relationship with the two of you?
A number of ways couples can have a relationship with God as a couple are:
Read His word.
Pray together.
Obey His commands.
Treat each other with respect.
Love deeply.
Begin with one or two as you gradually work all of them into your marriage.
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